Hraj Resident Evil : AH

Resident Evil : AH

514 Hráči -


pc Stiahnuť Stiahnuť
PEGI Over 500 downloads

Shoot em Up


- Revamped Graphics
- New ilumination
- 1 boss
- New puzzles
- New Weapons
- Fixed Bugs
- Added Last hope Mode
- Added Tutorial
- Full English translation >
- This demo is an OLD DEMO and it have bugs, dont expect a perfect game, this is a 3 months old Demo so the images are not representative.

Jazyk: English
Resident Evil : AH
Resident Evil : AH
Resident Evil : AH
Komentárov 1
Pomocník Formátovania Pomocník Formátovania 380
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Jonathan_Fish (Úroveň 17)

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