Videoklipp WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall Videoklipp

WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall

159 Spelare -
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Starts immediately after one of the WTC 2 : No Regrets For The Future epilogues.
With William on the loose and in partnership with a new set of friends, it's a testing time for Grendel, her family and especially The Council Of The Unseen.
NOTE : This is INCOMPLETE (story is complete, but graphics, sound effects and music are missing) #vn #visualnovel #comedy

Språk: English
WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall
WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall
WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall
WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall
WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall
WTC 2 - 3 : NightFall
Kommentarer 2
Formateringshjälp Formateringshjälp 380
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kalindor (Nivå 14)

Very good to be just a tech demo

Triority (Nivå 9)

I'll upload a proper demo when it's completed, but this is a first look at the visual novel, which I hope to release in late 2020

#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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