เล่น Bleeding Moons

Bleeding Moons

441 ผู้เล่น - 2 Subscribers Subscribers


Pc white ดาวน์โหลดเกม External link
Pegi16 Over 250 downloads
Bleeding Moons is an interactive story about fate, duty and free will with some simple adventure games mechanics. If you have played games like To the Moon, this game is similar in its gameplay except that there is much more interaction.
A word of caution : This game features some scenes and dialogues that are not suitable for children.
ภาษา: English, Francais
Bleeding Moons
Bleeding Moons
Bleeding Moons
Bleeding Moons
Bleeding Moons
Bleeding Moons
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Jonathan_Fish (เลเวล 16) 2016-08-16
great game !
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