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2162 ผู้เล่น - 11 Subscribers Subscribers
Published on: 02/12/2017



Made for the Frog Jam 2017 with Bitsy (https://ledoux.itch.io/bitsy)
Explore a little world,
meet little characters,
learn a little language,
spend a little night with the crabs...
ภาษา: English
คอมเมนต์ 7
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Agent44 (เลเวล 13) 2024-10-30
오랜만에 저를 사로잡고 즐겁게 해주는 게임을 발견했습니다. 지금 진엔딩을 보기 위해 계속해서 플레이하고 있습니다. 조작이 그리 어렵지 않아서, 작은 결함들이 있어도 용서할 수 있을 정도입니다. 제가 찾고 있던 게임입니다!
Xalag (เลเวล 6) 2024-01-05
So many players. congratulations! I know that it is made only for a LD Jam, but to enhance this bite-sized adventure, consider expanding the little world with additional areas or interactions, allowing players to discover more facets of the charming universe. Introducing subtle storytelling elements or quests could provide a bit more depth to the experience, making each encounter even more memorable. I like it!
Luis (เลเวล 17) 2018-01-24
I don't understand what to do
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