วิดีโอ Grimball วิดีโอ


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A short 1 or 2 player demo of a car football game in the process of being made.
Menu screen and instructions are included.
Try to score as many goals as possible in the 5 minute football match with your choice of playing as Minichester City or Smartred Rovers.
Each team has different characteristics.
Hope you enjoy.
ภาษา: English
คอมเมนต์ 2
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Jonathan_Fish (เลเวล 16) 2016-08-17
nice idea ! i saw a game like this for the xbox !
Gatsu87 (เลเวล 14) 2013-07-16
ho my god. <br />Please complete it ! <br />It\'s fantastic ! <br />Add more car and complete it. <br />great idea and great gameplay !!
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