เล่น I Shall Duel Thee At Dawn

I Shall Duel Thee At Dawn

304 ผู้เล่น -

Hidden Productions

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IShallDuelTheAtDawnver1.5.zip (28 เมกะไบต์)
PEGI Over 250 downloads



A competitive typing flintlock pistol duel!
Hit the prompted keys when they flash to load your fiddly gun, and when the clock strikes noon, hit your corresponding CTRL key to fire!
Played on one keyboard with two players, so fight over the buttons to honour your duty!
Built for LudumDare 36 #LDJAM

ภาษา: English
I Shall Duel Thee At Dawn
I Shall Duel Thee At Dawn
I Shall Duel Thee At Dawn
คอมเมนต์ 1
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Ura (เลเวล 9)

can you add a gameplay about it ?

#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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