วิดีโอ Shawy Adventures วิดีโอ

Shawy Adventures

781 ผู้เล่น -
pc ดาวน์โหลดเกม
ShawyAdventures_0048.exe (48.2 เมกะไบต์)
osx ดาวน์โหลดเกม
ShawyAdventures_0048.zip (49.8 เมกะไบต์)

Shawy Adventures is a Retro Action Platformer inspired on the early Game Boy games.
Help Shawy with his first adventure, recover the stolen sacred stones and became rich and famous.
A prototype demo is available for download for Windows, Mac and Linux (64bit).

ภาษา: English, Espanol, Portugues
Shawy Adventures
Shawy Adventures
Shawy Adventures
คอมเมนต์ 10
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TheBigShow (เลเวล 13)

I love this retro style! great game! Completed! I follow it for the next version!

RealTidus (เลเวล 15)

I like the style of this game! Like a GameBoy title! Can I play it also online?

Sekayo (เลเวล 13)

is it your first game? Amazing!

Amir (เลเวล 15)

Oh! It's a very 8-bit game! Congratulations! Nice!

the ugly truth (เลเวล 12)

News during the first April. . Bad idea XD

#RPG, #pixel, #VisualNovel
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