วิดีโอ Shifty Funky Walls วิดีโอ

Shifty Funky Walls

864 ผู้เล่น - 2 Subscribers Subscribers
Pc white Windows phone white ดาวน์โหลดเกม
Shifty_Funky_Walls_Win_x86.zip (56.8 เมกะไบต์)
Pc white Windows phone white ดาวน์โหลดเกม
Shifty_Funky_Walls_Win_x64.zip (56.2 เมกะไบต์)
Osx white ดาวน์โหลดเกม
Shifty-Funky-Walls_Mac_Universal.app.zip (38.2 เมกะไบต์)
"Press the R button to restart from any point of the game"
Shifty Funky Walls is a shapeshifting game, which was made for Ludum Dare 35 #LD35.
The goal of the game is to change your shape and adapt to the dance moves provided by your dance partner.
Credits (external assets):
Music: liquidspiral (newgrounds)
Music: saskid (newgrounds)
Sounds: berlinatmospheres (youtube)
ภาษา: Deutsch
Shifty Funky Walls
Shifty Funky Walls
Shifty Funky Walls
คอมเมนต์ 5
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Fellowplayer (เลเวล 23) 2018-01-05
I thought the name of the game said something else then :P
Staff ยืนยันแล้ว (เลเวล 16) 2016-09-09
Your game is in "Ludum Dare Games" Video :
YouTube Gameplay
Cange (เลเวล 8) 2016-09-04
funny ! and it's very nice the music !
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