วิดีโอ Sunset over Imdahl วิดีโอ

Sunset over Imdahl

522 ผู้เล่น - 10 Subscribers Subscribers
It starts out when the city of Imdahl has been under siege for over 8 months. A little 13-year old boy wanders the deserted streets of the city after tending for his now deceased mother for several days. The siege has stopped after all inhabitants of the city, except this little boy, have been killed by the plague. #rpgmaker #rpg #fantasy
ภาษา: English
Sunset over Imdahl
Sunset over Imdahl
Sunset over Imdahl
Sunset over Imdahl
Sunset over Imdahl
Sunset over Imdahl
คอมเมนต์ 0
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+20 Points
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