วิดีโอ Super Smash Monsters วิดีโอ | Shoot em Up | ตัวทดลอง

Super Smash Monsters

278 ผู้เล่น -

Moraes Studio

pc ดาวน์โหลดเกม ดาวน์โหลดเกม
PEGI Over 250 downloads

Shoot em Up


Super Smash Monster's is a retro game of the genre Shoot Em Up 2D that prioritizes the high difficulty, pleasing players more #oldschool and #retro. Super Smash Monster's alternates moments of frantic and explosive pure action against creatures and bosses with moments of exploration in search of hidden items and solving small puzzles.

ภาษา: Portugues
Super Smash Monsters
Super Smash Monsters
Super Smash Monsters
คอมเมนต์ 2
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the ugly truth (เลเวล 12)

Is the worm made by the same pixel artist of the other graphics? Its style is so different...

Marius (เลเวล 16)

5 stars for me! I saw it on facebook and I suggested the author to post it here! :D Very cool game! I'm going to vote it also on GL!

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