วิดีโอ The Legend of Relic: Demo วิดีโอ

The Legend of Relic: Demo

125 ผู้เล่น - 6 Subscribers Subscribers
Experience the gradual intensity of The Legend of Relic, and experiment with the many awesome weapons, features in the game, as well as face off against its many foes with out the fear of dying!
ภาษา: English
The Legend of Relic: Demo
The Legend of Relic: Demo
The Legend of Relic: Demo
คอมเมนต์ 2
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Insydnis (เลเวล 7) 2019-04-16
You can use the Demo to hone yourself and get used to the skills, movement, and experiment without any worry.
TenTen92 (เลเวล 10) 2019-04-16
is it an MMORPG ? it looks like an MMORPG...
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