Грати в 5 Days A Stranger

5 Days A Stranger

509 Гравців -

Ben Croshaw

pc Завантажити Завантажити
PEGI Понад 500 завантажень

5DAS is a medium-length free adventure game with a horror theme, made, as all my adventures are, with the miraculous AGS Engine. Since I hate it when people make promises and never deliver, I've gotten into the habit of only ever letting on that I'm making a game after I've finished it.

Мова: English
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5 Days A Stranger
5 Days A Stranger
5 Days A Stranger
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CTGH (Рівень 11)

I love this game!!

the ugly truth (Рівень 12)

Very famous game. A masterpiece of Ben

Testament Підтверджено (Рівень 14)

A really good old school point and click, played and finished yesterday. <br />Good athmosphere, well designed riddle. <br />Why is it under the category \"Platform/action\" instead of \"Point and Click\"?

Gatsu87 (Рівень 15)

Everyone knows this game using AGS. <br />It is the best game created with AGS for 2003, best gameplay,best game scripting and best dialogue!

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