Riblo, the butterfly witch, is an alchemist who lives in Pipiforest.
Her master leaves, and Riblo is suddenly left alone.
She is just a young witch who knows nothing of the outside world, let alone anything outside of Pipi Forest...
Will she be able to successfully complete the assignment her Master gave, "The Making of the Philosopher’s Stone"?【Collect various materials】
Explore different areas and collect materials to have an experiment with new alchemy!
【Collect alchemy recipes】
Collect alchemy recipes to complete the Recipe Book!
【Complete quests for residents】
The bulletin board is full of messages from residents who need help.
Help them and earn rewards!
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pixel art decisamente interessante. una palette di colori che colpisce a primo impatto. Nota negativa sono i dialoghi. troppi e troppo lunghi. inizia a sembrare una visual novel
Ein wirklich zauberhaftes Abenteuer! Die Mischung aus Alchemie, Erkundung und den liebevoll gestalteten Quests hat mich komplett in den Bann gezogen. Riblo ist eine charmante Protagonistin, und die Geschichte entwickelt sich auf wundervolle Weise
I played it today on my phone. It works good. I think that you can pin it as mobile friendly
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