Відео AotMFC Відео


180 Гравців - 13 Підписників Підписників
Attack of the Mutant Fishcrows, flying fish that are swimming crows that are mutated half breeds of your nightmares!
Мова: English
Що нового Що нового 6
More updates to BETA. The demo has also been updated accordingly. See clip -> https://bit.ly/2CVE6bs Kickstarter, again. See here https://bit.ly/2YQuMPy Thanks for playing!
Коментарів 10
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Eneman (Рівень 7) 2021-10-10
Just a little bit confusing, but it is a good platform to play. Is it your first game? Focus more your attention to describe the plot during the gameplay
lucyinthespace (Рівень 15) 2020-11-29
Very few players for a so interesting project
Staff Підтверджено (Рівень 16) 2019-04-24
video fixed
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