Грати в Dasher 3D Грати Грати </> Вставка
Dasher_3D_v1.3.rar (16,9 МБ)
Dasher_3D_v1.3_-_32Bit.rar (14,8 МБ)
Dasher_3D_v1.4.rar (16,2 МБ)
Dasher_3D.apk (26,2 МБ)
Top-down shooter with time freezing.
♦ Download the game for more maps and main menu.
♦ If you have 32-bit operating system; Download the 32-bit version!
Мова: English
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Hey everyone! Here we have the update version 1.4 of Dasher, Milkshakes and Power-ups! Now, the reason I named it like that will be clear for you after you seen the main changes about this update: • Added 4 Power-ups! Additional Health, Shield, Instant kills and the Dasher Pro (x2 Speed and deals double damage!) • Android support. You can now play Dasher on Android...
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Dasher 3D
Dasher 3D
Dasher 3D
Dasher 3D
Dasher 3D
Dasher 3D
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Fellowplayer (Рівень 23) 2019-04-15
Is this also multiplayer?
Відео Dasher 3D Відео
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