Грати в Invaders Грати Грати </> Вставка


490 Гравців - 13 Підписників Підписників
fight a bunch of triangular invaders on a galctic battle right on your phone and save the galaxy.
(Please leave a comment rating it from 1 through 10 of how good the game is and how I can make it better, and what you liked.) check my out on Ludum Dare 36,Ancient_Artifact)
Controls: drag player green triangle by holding player on left click.
Мова: English
Що нового Що нового 2
I am polishing the game and adding shops, changeable fire rates and firemodes. But I was wondering If I should add levels to the game.?
Коментарів 17
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Zion (Рівень 12) 2017-08-11
it needs a huge work. It's just a base.
RealTidus (Рівень 13) 2017-06-15
It's a good start, but you should add also bonus and malus and improve the GUI
Karma (Рівень 13) 2017-02-23
Are you continuing it?
Staff Підтверджено (Рівень 16) 2017-02-22
if you edit the main menù with no mouse but buttons... you can add the indiepad support ;)
GInTheShell94 (Рівень 8) 2016-12-03
why is it in popular games ?!?! it's so incomplete....
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