Instruction for the downloadable version: The 64bit version should work on most computers, however if the 64bit version is not compatible with your architecture you can download the 32bit version. After you have downloaded the .rar file and extracted its content execute J4CK-0-L4NTERN.exe to play the game.
CommandsA/D - Move left/right
Space Bar - Jump
Mouse - Move the lantern
Left mouse button - Shield; it will stay active as long as you keep the mouse button pressed
Warning: If playing the web version you run into any problems, graphical glitches or the game just doesn't run well consider playing the game in another browser or, if you are using Windows, you can also play the downloadable version.
CreditsAn UnsupervisedWoods game
Non-Original Graphical AssetsHumanoid robot and explosion by Ansimuz
Font by Nate547
Sounds"Big Metal Chain" and "Mechanism Stuck" Copyright 2013 Iwan Gabovitch, CC-BY3 license
Little Robot Sound Factory
Timothy Adan
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the browser demo won't load
Ah I missed this one for Halloween
I played the PC version and it works good. but, previously, I played the online version and I had JS iusses. Fix it, this is my only tip, also because a lot of players prefer to play the games online.
I had this error during the game:
sorry, i'm very noob. i can't open the first gate. the shild didn't reflect the bullets. :(