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70 Гравців - 13 Підписників Підписників
WARNING: it can cause depression or anxiety disorder
#horror #retro
Мова: English
Що нового Що нового 2
new insanostudio game HAPPINESS #2d #educational
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Rooncave (Рівень 6) 2021-04-20
Very interesting game! I like it :)
Best IndieGames (Рівень 18) 2021-04-05
This game is in the video about the Top 2 Indie Games of March 2021

YouTube Gameplay
Zockeromi (Рівень 1) 2021-04-04
I got here due to indieexpo and made a short review on yt:

YouTube Gameplay
garryblu (Рівень 8) 2021-03-29
Check this out ►
YouTube Gameplay
Rating 10/10 stars for this game. I dunno what the story behind it, but it's cool :D
lucyinthespace (Рівень 15) 2021-03-28
Very nice style. The game is very short but it looks like it had an hidden message
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