NekoChan Hero is a 3D platform game with a particular graphic style and a varied gameplay. Controls:
- [Ctrl > Fire]
- [Space bar > Jump]
- [Alt > Use powers]
- [TAB / Q > Scroll inventory]
- [Enter > Pause]
#platform #platformer
NekoChan Hero is a 3D platform game with a particular graphic style and a varied gameplay. Controls:
- [Ctrl > Fire]
- [Space bar > Jump]
- [Alt > Use powers]
- [TAB / Q > Scroll inventory]
- [Enter > Pause]
#platform #platformer
Is there any updates?
This is really cool!!! What engine did you use to make it??
Is there a plot? Should I save anyone? Is there a ninja princess?
Is this the pc version of neko land?
It's huge for a platform like this