Грати в No Waste

No Waste

436 Гравців -


pc Завантажити Завантажити
PEGI Понад 250 завантажень
Повна версія



No Waste is a small space strategy/trade game. You are a robot spaceship who must survive by converting
resources into a pure source of energy: Trisanium. These resources can be acquired by harvesting, trading or simply
taken on enemy unit defeated on turn by turn combat.

Мова: English
No Waste
No Waste
No Waste
Коментарів 2
допомога у форматуванні допомога у форматуванні 380
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NazTaiL (Рівень 3)

Thank you. No Waste has 2 endings. <br />You can access the first ending if you accomplish the minimal achievements and you can access the second ending if you accomplish the recommended achievements.

Aironenero (Рівень 5)

Not bad. Not bad. Is very simple go to the end of this game. Finished in 35 min

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