Грати в Old Fashioned Rinky Dink

Old Fashioned Rinky Dink

784 Гравців -
osx Завантажити
OldFashionedRinkyDink_Mac_1.0.9.zip (38,3 МБ)
pc Завантажити
OldFasionedRinkyDink_1.0.9_Win_x86_64.zip (37,1 МБ)
pc Завантажити
OldFashionedRinkyDink_1.0.9_Win_x86.zip (35,2 МБ)
Old Fashioned Rinky Dink
Old Fashioned Rinky Dink
Old Fashioned Rinky Dink
Old Fashioned Rinky Dink
Коментарів 3
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franco999 (Рівень 15)

To add the indiepad is good only if it's a party game. Is this a party game? xD

Freank Підтверджено (Рівень 19)

Nice game! I'm downloading it! So, read about the #indiepad! It can be perfect for this kind of game! So you can play with your friends using their smartphone like own gamepads! Check it out!

CapZero88 (Рівень 13)

Oh... but is there also a webgl version?

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