Відео Shicken Відео


372 Гравців - 4 Підписників Підписників
Entry for the Ludum Dare 35. I wouldn't call the game finished, but all mechanics are implemented and you can play the tutorial + 7 levels, it is pretty polished at this point.
Update v1.1 Updated with new sounds, animations (UI, shooting, objects), smooth level transitions, music keeps playing, fixes.
Watching the video will spoiler the puzzles.
Мова: English
Що нового Що нового 1
Just added this hear after seeing staff recommended it: Hey. A while after the Ludum Dare I made some improvements, I uploaded it here. But there are no new levels, I doubt I will continue it after this :/ But thanks for playing! Update v1.1 Updated with new sounds, animations (UI, shooting, objects), smooth level transitions, music keeps playing, fixes.
Коментарів 8
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JEntertaiment (Рівень 11) 2021-01-04
Cool game, cool pixel art i like this! :3
IronMusk2 (Рівень 7) 2016-09-29
are you developing new games ?
Ura (Рівень 8) 2016-09-27
nice platform ! I love this kind of pixel art ! like terraria !
Saiodin (Рівень 3) 2016-08-20
Hey. A while after the Ludum Dare I made some improvements, I uploaded it here. But there are no new levels, I doubt I will continue it after this :/ But thanks for playing!
Update v1.1 Updated with new sounds, animations (UI, shooting, objects), smooth level transitions, music keeps playing, fixes.
Jonathan_Fish (Рівень 16) 2016-08-15
Are you continuing it ?
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