Відео Summerland Відео


472 Гравців - 10 Підписників Підписників
ENG: Alternate the control of Gum and Fitz to solve 20 levels of puzzles and platforms and save Summerland from the evil Kincloud! ITA: Alterna il controllo di Gum e Fitz per risolvere 20 livelli di puzzle e piattaforme e salvare Summerland dal perfido Kincloud!
Мова: English
Коментарів 3
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JEntertaiment (Рівень 11) 2021-01-04
Cool game :3
The Crazy (Рівень 8) 2016-06-21
It's like a new game posted on this website : Altruism :D but yours is the best ^^". It's briliant and the colors are wonderful !
WarioPunk (Рівень 13) 2012-09-23
Gioco molto carino e piacevole da giocare.Il gameplay mi ha riportato ai cari vecchi old games,davvero un buon lavoro Darkleo!
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