Відео Ultimate Reality Відео

Ultimate Reality

664 Гравців -
osx Завантажити
UltimateRealityMac.dmg (79,6 МБ)
pc Завантажити
Ultimate_Reality_Demo.zip (24,4 МБ)

Play in a Dimensional Pixelated Adventure in search of an entity that threatens to wipe out every reality in exsistence. Use your dimensional abilities to fight hordes of enemies in different environments! Discover the truth of your origins and of the mess that the Multiverse can be! Become the hero that every reality needs!
#action #cyberpunk #platformer #pixelart

Мова: English
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Ultimate Reality
Ultimate Reality
Ultimate Reality
Ultimate Reality
Ultimate Reality
Ultimate Reality
Коментарів 31
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Amir (Рівень 15)

a good platform. the hero remembers me One Punch Man

CreepyFadedsprk (Рівень 2)

On Wednesday I uploaded my Let's Play for this game, as requested by Luca. This time we played; Ultimate Reality. In this game, you play as a multidimensional superhero who fights with the power of different dimensions to save the town. Watch The Video Here:
YouTube Gameplay

Coopa (Рівень 12)

I loved your last trailer!

kalindor (Рівень 14)

The latest updates are very good! Continue to improve it! It can be a very nice cyberpunk game! Did you try Lazr?

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