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Can He Save Everyone?

2375 玩家 -
Can He Save Everyone?
Can He Save Everyone?
Can He Save Everyone?
1. 『 』 The King
2755 比分
2. Loppa 已验证
1165 比分
3. Popsan Angel
760 比分
评论 3
格式帮助 格式帮助 380
indiexpo Addons (等级 14)

You can find this game also on our new extension/ #addon on your own Browser.
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-games/gechcfjojodafcpggkekfkkfpjacenno
Mozilla/Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/indie-games/
Opera: https://addons.opera.com/it/extensions/details/free-games-2/
Click and Play!

Popsan Angel (等级 14)

Try to add a sound when you click on the rockets

Freank 已验证 (等级 19)

oh, I'm honored that you used my template... but I'm new with this engine. There are a lot of good template on internat made by expert developers! Try also them!

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