Clash of Wizards [Demo]

Patagonica Game Studio


Clash of Wizards [Demo]

Clash of Wizards is a strategy tower defense game. Imagine two wizards playing chess on a giant chess board. Instead of chess pieces, they cast spells to spawn units or launch devastating attacks at the enemy. He who gains control of the most squares is the winner. Inspired Plants vs Zombies. This is a work in progress demo.

Hi guys. I uploaded a new version of the work in progess demo. Although it doesn't seem like a lot has changed, there was indeed a lot of work added. This version just goes up to level 4 where you get the catapult, after that it just goes on and on, so just close it after that, it'll get boring fast... I will be adding a shop where you can buy specials which will appear...
Clash of Wizards [Demo]
Clash of Wizards [Demo]
Clash of Wizards [Demo]
评论 (29)
indiexpo Interviews
6 Questions for... Matias Vazquez
Lord Lard
Downloading it ^^
big uptades! good work!
how many guilds are there now ?
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