个视频 Preá Adventure 个视频 | 動作 | 试玩版

Preá Adventure

915 玩家 -
osx 下载
prea-demo.mac.zip (18.5 MB)
pc 下载
prea-demo.exe.zip (5.74 MB)
Linux 下载
prea-demo.zip (9.07 MB)



You are Preá, a Brazilian guinea pig, lost in a world without explicit instructions, just you and the envinroment.
This is just a proof of concept demo, but you can finish it.
- The Mac OSX build was not tested by myself, please report any found issue.

语言: English
Preá Adventure
Preá Adventure
Preá Adventure
评论 2
格式帮助 格式帮助 380
Loscar (等级 9)

the mechanics are very nice, but the design is not the best.

cema12 (等级 9)

A nice start!!

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