玩 Space Jump 玩 </> 嵌入

Space Jump

2712 玩家 -

Freank 已验证

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Source.zip (2.95 MB)
PEGI Over 2500 downloads


Construct 2

Here it's a very fast game in pixel art! Jump clicking any keys and dodge the meteorites! It uses the new Score System, so sign in and send your records in the Chart on this page!
You can play it on your browser on mobile! #pixelart #exclusive If you want to make a game like this, download Construct2 and use the file in the zip (.capx) uploaded! It's an #opensource game!

语言: English
Space Jump
Space Jump
1. wearevenom The King
510 比分
2. 『 』
490 比分
3. little_angel
210 比分
评论 4
格式帮助 格式帮助 380
masanobu91 (等级 9)

Is that the futurama spaceship? xD

Luis (等级 18)


htmlhigh5 (等级 10)

Indiexpo's score submission system is too easy to hack

indiexpo Addons (等级 14)

You can find this game also on our new extension/ #addon on your own Browser.
Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-games/gechcfjojodafcpggkekfkkfpjacenno
Mozilla/Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/indie-games/
Opera: https://addons.opera.com/it/extensions/details/free-games-2/
Click and Play!

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