个视频 The Sundew 个视频 | 点击式游戏 | 试玩版

The Sundew

244 玩家 -

Clemenc - 2054

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TheSundewDemo-win-setup-2.exe (58.2 MB)
PEGI Over 125 downloads Over 25 Subscribers

" I felt a change, as if someone was... connecting? " The Sundew is an exciting 2D retro-style point'n'click game that will take you into a world where the boundaries between good and evil become blurred. It is inspired by classic LucasArts and Sierra’s games but also by new representatives of the genre, cyberpunk worlds and Sci Fi authors. #adventure #cyberpunk

The Sundew
The Sundew
The Sundew
评论 14
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Freank 已验证 (等级 19)

The video on YouTube is broken

cradth (等级 15)

Cool! The graphic is pretty neat. I really love it!

No Signal (等级 6)

did you see The Blind Prophet on the homepage? two point and click with amazing artworks at the same time! Cool

Gesan (等级 13)

the pixel art is totally perfect. the plot is ok, the animation, i dunno. you can make them better. 4/5

Multiverse (等级 6)

is it inspired by ghost in the shell?

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